VES 2019 Fidelis Ascension Details, Honored Guests & Amica Recipient List


Good day, Brothers and Sisters

The Virtual Existence Society 2019 Fidelis Ascension procession ceremony will be held on December 1st, 2019 at 2PM SLT (2PM PDT). The ceremony would last for approximately 40-60 minutes.

The purpose of the ceremony is to ascend qualified Brothers and Sisters of the society into Fidelis – those who have been nominated and accepted the title during the nomination period.

2019 Fidelis Ascension Nominees:

Saz Ninetails
jamesjc Boa
Speeddude Geer

This year’s Fidelis Ascension ceremony will also be the first year where we give out our first Amica honors to non-members of the society who have contributed greatly to the cause of Virtual Embodiment and Existentialism.

2019 Amica Honor Recipients:

Erik Mondrian 
Draxtor Despres 
Daniel Voyager 
James Wagner AU
Marianne McCann
Ryan Schultz
Inara Pey
Loki Eliot
Cristiano Midnight
Naria Panthar
Syaoran Aluveaux
Saffia Widdershins
Cinder Roxley
Mangrove Jane

The following people listed below are non-Amica recipients, but still honored guests of the society for their less outbound contributions to our cause.

Honored Guests:

Skyler Mews 

Location of the ceremony will be announced and given to all ascension nominees and honored guests 1 week before the procession along with more details regarding procession protocol.

Amica recipients who couldn’t attend the ceremony for any reason will still be given their honors and listed as recipients a few days after the procession ceremony.

Live well and free.

Invitation video:

Q: Why aren’t Lindens / Moles included as Amica recipients? (ex: Strawberry Linden, who have promoted SL over the years)
A: As much as we would like to, we’re concerned that it might be seen as inappropriate Resident favoritism by LL employees if they attend our ceremony and accept our honors; but of course most if not all of them fits the criteria

Update: Wurfi’s name has been taken out of the Amica recipient list as per his request for a personal reason he told me in private message

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