Post-Gathering & Ceremony Report

Good day, Brothers and Sisters

Yesterday we conducted the society’s 2nd annual gathering & ceremony, where we gave new title holders their titles and briefed members about our research, plan and general guidelines based on our research, and talked about what we think is the biggest cause of Second Life’s relatively stagnant state in term of its recognition between a certain range of young demographic that we think is key in driving organic social media & video sites engagement, and how to really tackle the issue beyond what we’ve been doing so far.

We traded insights, visions and ideas based on what we know and our observations. The keys we think are really a more modern presentation of Second Life, showing the right kind of visuals and presenting the more loose, and dynamic social atmosphere within Second Life communities. That, and a content strategy that is both sustainable and play on the the aforementioned sites’ algorithm in term of what they prefer to show. We also talked about how we can and should cultivate our communities more to build a more organic and grassroot presence of the aforementioned key demographic within Second Life.

The challenge in doing those is in building the social frameworks and appealing the necessary social components (building the right kind of sites, presenting value prepositions that genuinely resonate with our target demographic, giving the necessary kind of people solid reasons to be in these sites, making them financially self-sustaining) which are necessary if we were to be able to continuously present genuine narratives that really resonate with our target demographic.

All the ingredients are there, our passions and aspirations are genuine, it’s only a matter of being able to continuously present them in their truest forms.

Regarding invitations and presentation

This year we tried a different approach in how we do our presentation and announce our gathering in order to create a more conducive environment for the gathering and to communicate the materials of our presentation better, also to prevent the sort of incident which happened at last year’s ceremony.

In order to allow more nominees and invitees who might be time-constrained to attend, we extend the gathering by having a soft launch and soft end for hours before, and after the official timeframe of the gathering, we also relegated the presentation and nomination parts of the ceremony to video presentation.

While these worked in having a higher proportion of invitees and nominees to attend the gathering, and view the presentation, the rather sudden changes did take a toll in how well we communicated and announced the gathering, making it too late for some people to find out about the gathering or free their schedule in order to attend, a lot of that was on us and we apologize, we will do better next year with the changes already being implemented.

Live well and free